Friday, February 1, 2013


I just had one of those days where I was pleasantly surprised at how much I got done and how efficiently and quickly I did it. I take that back, I didn't just have a day like that ... it was all week. I started my week feeling overwhelmed; I had a lot of orders coming in from the Totsy sale {which is great!!! don't get me wrong}, two client projects to start on, one client project that had stalled because we are waiting on print samples, an usual increase in email volume barraged my email inbox, some blog inquiries, and a great new opportunity for on-going design work popped up. All in all, it was all great, positive stuff  {except maybe the print samples not arriving yet}; however, the sheer amount of things I knew I needed to get done this week was daunting as of Monday morning. Each day this week, though, despite the mounting to-dos and emails, I got everything done. And, not just done but done well - everything went smoothly, projects progressed nicely, my inspiration was humming. I effectively and efficiently knocked 'em all down.

Then I had the revelation that this flurry of work had indeed concluded after a week of buzzing along. I had been keeping my nose to the grindstone, so I hadn't noticed until, voila! it is Friday and I can look back upon this week and say I GSD (got shit done!). Well, except for the fact that the pesky print samples still have not arrived. But, all well.

(The photo above was taken by me on Instagram last weekend ... some cool Audrey Hepburn street art in the Wynwood Arts District of Miami)

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