MOCHIE-ROO blog archives

Have you ever noticed that little link on right hand sidebar that says MOCHIE-ROO blog archives? You may or may not know that before &chloe, I penned my blog posts under my MOCHIE-ROO blog ... my focus was on my pet watercolor portraits at the time and so I had a blog that was pet related. However, slowly my blog was morphing into more of a lifestyle blog and I was moving away from doing pet portraits, so I decided to move my blog. &chloe was born.

Well, I had the occasion to go through my MOCHIE-ROO blog archives, and I found some posts in there that I really liked. The formatting and style is haphazard and a little inconsistent, but the content is still relevant.

So, today I am sharing some of my favorite posts from the MOCHIE-ROO blog archives ... I hope you enjoy!

the first everyday palette post ... with a photo I took on the drive from Durango to Phoenix

Mocha as passenger in the Midget

all about the good and the bad of dog food

pet portraits: smooch | lucy + sweet pea | honey the horse | taco | farley

recipes: most delicious peanut butter balls | oatmeal quinoa bake

a links post featuring another Art Institute project as the image

studio space envy

Etsy favorites: pet edition


I could keep going, but I will stop it at that. Perhaps you will go back through on your own and take a closer look at the MOCHIE-ROO blog archives.


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