dear santa...

Usually, I post my Christmas wish list each year. But an interesting thing has happened. Being a parent, all of the sudden the things you want for yourself are one in the same, or least somewhat overlap, with things you want for your babe because they make your life easier, allow you to do some specific activity with your little one, etc.

So is the case with my wish list this year, it comes in the form of this "dear Santa" list from little John. And, to be fair, Santa came early for me and brought me a new MacBook. No complaints there.

All that said, we also have limited space in our {very} small home, so a few select, much needed/wanted things for little John are what we are focusing on over getting lots of "stuff" that would just clutter up the house. I have already helped Santa select a couple of books, a toy, and new pair of moccs for John. But, this is John's remaining Christmas list.

no. 1 :: Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Puppy's Activity Home $24.99
Little John loves these Fisher Price Laugh & Learn toys; he engages with them and will sit for extended (and I mean extended) periods of time exploring them. He has a kitchen of this brand at my mom's house and has played with the tool bench at his cousin's house. Now it is time for him to have one of his own at home.

I have read great things about this stroller as a lightweight option for things like airplane travel. We have our Bob stroller for running but you would never take that thing through an airport. This one would do the trick beautifully (Oh Joy traveled internationally with hers.)

no. 3 :: Steam Train Dream Train $9.94
We already have Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site from the same author and illustrator, and I don't know what it is (other than the illustrations are absolutely adorable), but I can actually say that this is John's favorite book (next to the book of photos of people who love him). So, I want him to have the other book with similar illustrations and from the title and preview, I think I like the story, too.

no. 4 :: Osprey Poco Plus Child Carrier $259 per letter
This winter we want to do some snowshoeing. Come spring and summer we want to do hikes. We want to bring John with us. This will allow that to be possible.


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